Print Directory

The Eswatini Telecommunications Directory is published by B and T Eswatini Limited on behalf of Eswatini Posts and Telecommunications Corporation. This directory is published yearly and it contains information on the following: Eswatini’s history, traditions and geography; general information on Eswatini; Alphabetical section with customers telephone numbers; Eswatini government ministries and departments with telephone numbers, postal information including post boxes & postal codes and the yellow pages/classified/business pages which gives you information based on the business type e.g. accommodation, accountants and auditors etc. Customers and members of the public are entitled to a copy of the directory once it has been published in order to be able to get important information about telephone numbers of both individuals and businesses. Customers who need a copy of the directory can get it from the nearest SwaziTelecom Telecentre and SwaziPost Offices or can contact:

The Eswatini Posts and Telecommunications Corporation

Directory Section

P. O. Box 125, Mbabane, H100

Tel: +268 24052226

Fax: +268 24052449


Contact Centre: 8002000


Eswatini Posts and Telecommunication Corporation customers are entitled to appear on the alphabetical section of the directory for free, with their telephone numbers listed as a light entry.  Customers who need to have bold entries; include fax and mobile phone numbers in their entries;  include email & postal addresses; logos etc. as well as advertise or appear on the yellow pages/classified section of the directory can contact:

B & T Eswatini Limited

2ndFloor Liqhaga House

Cnr Nkoseluhlaza and Masalesikhundleni Street

Manzini, Eswatini


P. O. Box 2299, Manzini, M200

Tel: +268 25053965/5230

Fax: +268 25055231



Advertising rates are affordable yet advertising in the directory gives customers the opportunity for their businesses to stand out among other businesses in the directory.